Here I have looked on the BBC website to find out more on what online safety is and how to protect your children online. The site links in with other websites that may be useful with other information on keeping children and young people safe online. Which I have done on my other posts. If you're a child or a young person it's especially important to be safe when using the internet. To find out why and for more information about being safe online read below and then follow the links.
The secondary 3rd information on website quizzes within CBBC website on internet safety to interact with children to keeping safe online, the five ways to stay safe online, with other resources linking into other websites on safety for children on the internet.
5. Make sure your children learn and understand CBBC's safe surfing guide.
Dongle wrote back I'm not telling you that, and then the crocodile got annoyed as he wouldn't tell him where he lived then he started saying something that upset Dongle. So Dongle went to get his uncle to look at what the crocodile had said .Dongle's uncle said don't meet up with him but he wanted to. So always take an adult if you are going to meet someone offline. Dongle was really shocked when he actually met this person who he was talking to as it wasn’t who he said he was he was a crocodile. Then his uncle was right behind him and he scared him off so he won’t be back again.
S - Keep Safe
Don't give out your personal information.
Keep your full name, address, mobile number, email address, school name and friends' full names secret. Otherwise people can use this information to contact you.
M - Don't meet up with someone you don't know
Accepting emails from someone you don’t / delete them
Accepting text messages, or opening links / files on your mobile from people you don't know, can get you into trouble. They may contain nasty pictures or messages, cost you a lot of money, or even change the settings on your phone.
R - Reliable
Beware: people might not be who they say they are.
T - Tell someone
Always tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried about something or someone.
Don’t forget you can always log-off and leave the website.