29 May 2012

Job Roles - Email I got back from Jess (Runner - middle man)!!

Here is a email I got back from Jess (Runner) - middle man  - She gave me a brief outing of what you do when being a runner . She said it's best to get some work experience so you get a real feel of what the environment will be like , so at big TV companies . You normally get paid  around £70 a day and it's normally paid monthly and this does change to company to company .  If you don't have  any work experience she said she said it be good to research about the company so you're favorite film and find out who made them . She said to write to the production manager /producer just asking about if they need any help with setting up productions and helping out with the clients/team etc so basically if they needed a hand. She gave me some websites to look at to get some experience in film . It was useful to hear someone with experience in the media industry telling me about the job and how to proceed further with this job . 

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