18 October 2011

The copy right and the health and safety issues to children’s drama could be using children for too long , they may get tired means they can’t concentrate quickly or they can’t stay in front of the camera for too long may get fidgety. You have to engage children something with an interest so you can perfectly shot them, so something they like. Rehearsals or performances checks are to be carried out by a competent member of staff to ensure the suitability of the drama space. Checks to include items such as the suitability of staging, floor surfaces, space, portable appliances, equipment, lighting, props and storage of items. Ensure kids are wearing suitable footwear and clothing for that shot. Special effects such as lasers, smoke effects etc to only are used following risk assessment by a competent person. Many of these effects are potentially dangerous.

Copyright Advice must be sought from the Talent and Rights Negotiation Group (TRNG) in Rights and Business Affairs about the commissioning or clearance of copyright works for use in BBC programmes or the contracting of performers. TRNG will generally provide the contracting service and contact should be made with them in good time. There may be circumstances where a copyright work, in which rights have not been cleared, can nevertheless be included in a programme under fair dealing or other copyright exceptions.Children and young people are very important to the BBC. They contribute and interact with us in many different ways - as contributors, actors, presenters, through our interactive and user generated content. We also aim to provide them with challenging, educative, enjoyable and interesting content and to help them make sense of the world in which they live.As producer you have a responsibility of keeping the children safe, safeguard the welfare of children and young people. To do so you need to ensure you are compliant with the relevant legislation and your obligations when involving children in a programme. Child policy In terms of child production policies the BBC expects all companies who work with children to have a general Child Protection Policy for their company and may ask to see a copy of this prior to commissioning your company.

My point of view from the BBC is that the actors they use to starr in one of their episodes of childrens drama is that they have the responsibility of their actors there the ones they have to protect form harmful things so distrubution of them as a person someone may distrubte their personal information about that person this, is where Ofcom has a legal restrictions apply to this . Broadcasters have to be careful of what information they give out of that person becayse don't want to give out any identification of these young children. It could even end up in nespapers written by the press and then it be out here to the whole world of that person which will wreck that persons identity.  Especially if there under the age of 18 they have to be full protected of the BBC guidelines and the content that they are using them for . They must have an adults consent especially if there under 18 as its the law to do so before involving these contributors in one of the drama programes . They do have a childrens protection policy as the BBC  is comitted to safeguarding to the welfare of young children . The people working at the BBC will be aware and understand by children as their trusted repesentatives of guiding them where to go , helping them out , how to proceed in these situations of being part of the team as a contributor . As Part of a role of the BBC  they have a manager that deals with the protection of young children. Their role is to have the responsibily of these young children in the implemitation diversion policy which is bascially the guidelines for that programme . They only use the information about contributer only within the BBC purposes. On every TV situation the BBC ,ITV1 ,C4, they all have principles within their right to have when broadcasting . 

principle 1 that the BBC have protection sustaible for their audience so members of the public  from harmful or offesive material .
2 principle - They must not broadcast any material that can be harmful or mentol for young children .
3 principle -   BBC  have to observe the watershed to see if there any inappropriate material before the watershed it must be sheulded after 9 o clock ,
4 principle - They must ensure the audience have a clear information - whether content is suitable for them or there children .
5 principle -  The use of strong language must be editorially justified and appropriately sign posted to ensure it meets audience expectations, wherever it appears.

The impact of a contributor !! My own view on BBC contributors

Children that have been accepted to be one of the actors in drama series may lack at the spite of it being in a fight with someone , or being a bully in one of a drama series . This might reflect on their own life and may cause disturbances and intense moments of this in their daily life which they have been through . They may find it hard to act in situation like this , some circumstances they may be involve in like anti social so drugs , smoking , abuse violene . The BBC should consider to get an expert in to help these children put away their moments if they've been in situation and think that is is a drama of it with them acting and thinking it's not real. They probably would be able to help put away this distress and overcome these situations. The BBC understanding it may be difficult to discuss these problems so it's always best to have a friendly face there to help you through it. When the BBC think through these guidelines of indentifying anti social behaviour they take in account of their interest .  Deep consideration should be accounted especaially when there a young kid as it can be hard for them to act in this situation . I think its a great deal if parents know what there children are signing up to  in their contract with the BBC . The BBC must ensure that the parent  understands the nature of the output of what the child is getting involved in . To ensure that if there is any reasonable of unlikly of consequences of the childs participation is going to be changed, not give them any influences of the content that would be wrong as they make take some of the actions outside in the real world which be wrong for the BBC to do that .

When the BBC ask children for personal information online they need to consider the standard of proof of 'parental consent' that is appropriate, taking account of the sensitivity of the subject matter and the age of the child. Options include:
simply prompting a child to ask for 'parental consent'
using a clickable check box to confirm that 'parental consent' has been obtained before allowing a child to proceed
requiring verifiable 'parental consent', such as a signed letter.
Advice on the appropriate standard of proof to use is available from Editorial Policy.



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