I will get the draft done by the end of the week- I still need to add captions,music,voice over and to edit up my footage from Saturday 11th May and some other bits . The small little bits can be added by next week lie the sound and captions. I just need to get it all in sequence by the end of the week.
I will need to start planning out our animation and to get it done by Wednesday for it to be filmed.
I need to to edit the podcast for Matt ,just to finalize it and I need to do the questionnaire by the end of today!!
soph's blog
13 May 2013
12 May 2013
Saturday 11th May 2013 Filming !!
I went to Holbrook again to re do my interviews with the fitness manager and to interview some of the gym members, due to the technical problem before. I was looking forward to going back again because I did enjoy it last time. However the gym was a lot more quiet and there wasn't many people in the gym. Whereas before it was really busy and their were more different age groups inside the gym.
I did my interview with Tom the fitness manager again and that went really well.
I did approach people in the gym and I told them about my project and if they be up for me to interview them. Some of them at first was a bit unsure when I said it has to be filmed, but that is understandable. How ever they did come over to me and say do you still want to interview with me. Obviously he was a bit like no not really when I first asked them, but they said yea go on then. I thanked them and they were really nice. I did talk to some of my interviewees after the interview and I just started a general conversation and it was nice having a chat with them after the interview. I saw some nice older ladies I told them about my project and just about me in general. Both of them were really nice and we had a chat and a laugh in the gym.
I was going around the gym I know everyone was working out and I I didn't want to disturb them,but I would try and get them as they were going around the gym. I saw a lady on the bike machine, but she had her headphones in. I didn't want to disturb her on it, but she was getting off; I was like I'm going to ask her. The lady was really nice and she didn't mid me interviewing her. I enjoyed the interview with her because she answered in more detail and so did another lady. After the interview we did have a chat after and she was lovely.
I interviewed quite a lot of guys in the gym, but I was hoping there be some more women in there. I wanted to mix it up with getting different age groups of people from each a gender. I interviewed a young guy, he was nice, a big man who you could see he works out a bit and like an old ish man.I interviewed some women who were young,middle aged, etc. All the people seemed really nice and friendly.
I did some filming from the out side of the building, because i wanted to get a close up the sign and then I did zoom out into a long shot(concentrates on the background in full detail which relates to my subject). In my shot was a stupid tree that was in the middle of the sign and that was annoying. I did try out the shots a few times to see if I could work round it,but I obviously I can't move the tree. I did capture all the words, but the first two words seem to be alright and the other one had a tree in front of it. The weather that day was very windy outside and the footage is a bit wind swept as you can see the footage moving funny. The majority of it is fine, I did do a panning shot as well, just so you can see the whole building from left to right.
I have to admit that first day I went to Holbrook that was the best day ever, because there was so much going on,I was filming a lot in the gym, in other areas, I interviewed loads of people from different ages who were really nice. I had interviews with young guys before leading up to the big tough guys, and then to young teenage girls leading up to middle aged women. The atmosphere last time was immanence as there were loads of people in the gym, the personal trainer from last time was nice and we had a good old chat. I just loved being there and I did this time too , but it was better the first time round .It was a shame that there wasn't many people at the gym the second time. However I did get my interviews done and the sound picked up this time thank god.
1 May 2013
Tuesday 23rd April - evening !!
I thought to just do some other shots of fruit where they each form a line of fruit and it animates on the table. I thought to do a second line of it , but have the fruit in a different order. I would move the fruit down in one motion each time, I would photograph it one shot after one shot to show the movement. I would create a smiley face and another un smiley face. It would tilt round as it's forming that facial expression. I would position the camera from a high angle down shot,so that it can be shown from a wider shot. I would play around with the fruit to see if there was another shot of stop motion I could use. I would just position the tomatoes and the apple in the center and they would move out like it's forming a circle in and out moving.I did at first create a close up of the fruit animating on the table,but then I thought you can't see all of the other fruit animating on the table. I thought to do a long shot of the full area of fruit animating and twisting around to form shapes and smiley faces.
I did some still shots of the food in general on the table which I could use in my documentary. I have some other shots from last time,so I see when it comes to the edit.
Annoying - I wasn't sure what way was best to film it because there was stuff in the background and I didn't want it in shot. I moved some bits and then it looked fine. I wasn't sure if the stop motion it portrait but then I thought there won't be a enough room that way. So I thought to stop motion it landscape and then you will be able to see a lot better. The sun was coming in a bit as it was very bright and then it would go dull for a sec and then bright. That was annoying as the sun kept changing it's brightness. Sometimes I would use the flash and sometimes I wouldn't use it. I can just see how it goes and put it together. I can speed it up if I need to, so I will play around with it.
I did some still shots of the food in general on the table which I could use in my documentary. I have some other shots from last time,so I see when it comes to the edit.
Annoying - I wasn't sure what way was best to film it because there was stuff in the background and I didn't want it in shot. I moved some bits and then it looked fine. I wasn't sure if the stop motion it portrait but then I thought there won't be a enough room that way. So I thought to stop motion it landscape and then you will be able to see a lot better. The sun was coming in a bit as it was very bright and then it would go dull for a sec and then bright. That was annoying as the sun kept changing it's brightness. Sometimes I would use the flash and sometimes I wouldn't use it. I can just see how it goes and put it together. I can speed it up if I need to, so I will play around with it.
Thursday 25th April - Filming !!
I interviewed my friend Jamie about his fitness,eating healthy and why he thinks it's important to keep fit.eat healthy too.
We had a change of location I originally I waned to film him near the duck pond where there is a lot of greenery and there is a park. But because he had work in a hour or, so I filmed him on the greenery in Stoke road. At first I didn't think there was a field, but there was and it was quiet at 9 am.
Interviewing - I didn't use the microphone due to the day before where I had no sound with my interviewees at the gym. But I tested the microphone before I left to see if it would work without the microphone and it worked fine. I tested it there and then with Jamie, I would tested it out and I played it back and the sound was fine. I couldn't solve the problem with the microphone,so I didn't know what was wrong with it,but there was an issue with it.The interview was fine, I think he gave a few quick sentences of his answers but there were some long answers as well. It was filmed in one shot and then I did my cutaways.
I told him what shots I wanted to get- I was all technical again with what camera shots I wanted to get. Another one was like what that,as I was expecting. I explained to him,but then I did explain what camera shots I wanted and what I wanted him to do, just a few days ago before the day of filming. It took a bit of time because he was a bit grumpy as it was too early for him. So as each shot came I tell him what shot I want and he be like whats a mid shot,etc. I be like oh my I already explained all this just a few minutes ago. I did explain again and then he would get into position. I'll be like go and I got some different cutaways of him running, working his muscles and warming up. I thought if we were in the park I could of had him on the monkey bars working his muscles- that would of been good and more effective. I just had a mid-shot of him pumping up his muscles which looks fine but the monkey bars would have been a lot better.
When I was filming I was testing some of my shots out to see if it would work . camera shot - low angle to show the speed of him running. I would do a side view angle shot of his feet running,but it didn't work. Then I tried a panning shot of him running, but then that didn't look right because the shot would go of the screen. I then thought of filming in a different direction of the camera in front - low angle and he would run from a distance towards the camera.I would get a few seconds of the speed as he comes towards me . Then I thought where he's from a distance ;I could get a close up and pan all the way down as he is to show the fast motion of him running. They both looked fine. we got there eventually, but he did moan a bit I thought I was bad haha. But it was alright, I got there in the end with him.
We had a change of location I originally I waned to film him near the duck pond where there is a lot of greenery and there is a park. But because he had work in a hour or, so I filmed him on the greenery in Stoke road. At first I didn't think there was a field, but there was and it was quiet at 9 am.
Interviewing - I didn't use the microphone due to the day before where I had no sound with my interviewees at the gym. But I tested the microphone before I left to see if it would work without the microphone and it worked fine. I tested it there and then with Jamie, I would tested it out and I played it back and the sound was fine. I couldn't solve the problem with the microphone,so I didn't know what was wrong with it,but there was an issue with it.The interview was fine, I think he gave a few quick sentences of his answers but there were some long answers as well. It was filmed in one shot and then I did my cutaways.
I told him what shots I wanted to get- I was all technical again with what camera shots I wanted to get. Another one was like what that,as I was expecting. I explained to him,but then I did explain what camera shots I wanted and what I wanted him to do, just a few days ago before the day of filming. It took a bit of time because he was a bit grumpy as it was too early for him. So as each shot came I tell him what shot I want and he be like whats a mid shot,etc. I be like oh my I already explained all this just a few minutes ago. I did explain again and then he would get into position. I'll be like go and I got some different cutaways of him running, working his muscles and warming up. I thought if we were in the park I could of had him on the monkey bars working his muscles- that would of been good and more effective. I just had a mid-shot of him pumping up his muscles which looks fine but the monkey bars would have been a lot better.
When I was filming I was testing some of my shots out to see if it would work . camera shot - low angle to show the speed of him running. I would do a side view angle shot of his feet running,but it didn't work. Then I tried a panning shot of him running, but then that didn't look right because the shot would go of the screen. I then thought of filming in a different direction of the camera in front - low angle and he would run from a distance towards the camera.I would get a few seconds of the speed as he comes towards me . Then I thought where he's from a distance ;I could get a close up and pan all the way down as he is to show the fast motion of him running. They both looked fine. we got there eventually, but he did moan a bit I thought I was bad haha. But it was alright, I got there in the end with him.
Production Diary - Wednesday 24th April
I went to Holbrook Leisure Center
I was filming inside the gym-I told people about my project- what I'm doing and I asked them would it be ok if I could film them on the equipment and they said yea it was fine. I got a lot of different shots/cutaways with the members on the equipment and inside the gym in general. I just need to edit and put ,y footage together. Inside the gym I was talking very technical to Tom and the the gym members with what camera shots I wanted to get.I did explain to them what I meant as their faces were a bit what you on about.
I filmed inside a body combat session and that was brilliant.The music was proper loud and really dancey which I love that type of music. The energy these people had was incredible to watch as they were really getting into it ,so was the teacher she was nice. I said to Tom I really want to join in because it looks really fun.
I interviewed the fitness manager-(I got cutaways of Tom in his work area)
Once I finished the interview with Tom I said to him can I get some cutaways of him. His face was like what , but he laughed I explained what I meant- he was like really you got do that and he started laughing. I got some good cutaways of him in his work area and there was this other guy in his office. I was talking to him and he asked me what my project was about. He seemed to like my idea and we were all having a laugh which was good. After - The battery was flashing after a long time,I said to Tom I need to get some cutaways of you before the battery dies because it's going to be dying out on me shortly, I was like oh great .I know I should have took the charger with me because then I could have charged in up for a little bit.I 've realized that I should have packed it which I thought I did, but obviously I didn't.
I interviewed different age groups of people who were inside the gym. At first with approaching people inside the gym to interview them;I was a bit like nervous because I didn't know how they would react with me coming up to them. Some people could have been a bit funny with me asking them if I can interview them for my documentary. Once I did the first approach and the interview; I felt really confident with approaching people in the gym and doing the interview.Whereas before I was like oh my god, but I knew I had to just do it and I was like it's going be fine which it was. Everyone I asked seemed to be fine with me interviewing them and just asking them a few questions about their fitness and why they come to Holbrook leisure Center.The people I spoke to interview them were really nice and friendly. I would have a general chat with them after the interview,it was nice. I feel a lot more confident now interviewing people. before I was a bit wary what if the questions don't sound right or they don't know what I mean.It was fine though they said their good general questions. I had quite a few interviews at the gym. I had an interview with Tom the fitness manager and that went really well.I showed him the questions beforehand, so he felt more at ease when I ask him the questions.
Inside the gym I would just go up to people and I would just start a conversation with them.I thought to be friendly and make a conversation. I would just have a chat to them just in general and the conversations would go on for bit which was great .I told them what I was doing and they seemed interested. I didn't think any of them would speak to me, but they did. It was nice talking to different people and they all seemed nice.I felt more confident and just going around and talking to people, I felt great after all the interviews had filmed. In a way I didn't want it to end because the people I interviewed were great.It was fantastic interviewing them and getting to know them a bit more. I got on well with Tom and we was having a laugh and great conversation.I was talking to a personal trainer as well who was inside the gym,he was really nice we had a good conversation.
Camera Shot's experiments:
When I was filming the lady on the treadmill as the machine was right opposite the window, there was a lot of light coming in and it was hard to get a close up of the machine that way.So I thought to change the other way and get a close up of the other machine where there be no light exposure. I thought it be good to show the buttons of the screens as it tells you hoe you are doing.I got a shot of her on the treadmill but the light was dying down which made it look really dull when I watched her on it. But I can increase the brightness and the contrast in Premiere Pro and hopefully that will work.
Rowing machine
At first I knew how I wanted to camera shot it.But I did find it hard to get my shot because when the guy was on it he would be pulling back and then the camera be in that position and then he'll be out of shot. Then I filmed him from a much wider angle,but then I didn't want to get the other machines in shot. I got my shot in the end as he was on the other rowing machine in the far distance where it's out of shot from the other machine near by. I wanted to get a close up of him pulling back the row strings. It was hard because the camera was behind him, as he pulled back the tripod would move a bit bit. I wanted to get a close up of the bars from a down point shot from his perspective. I got there in the end by lowering the tripod and then I would position the camera to the side of him and I would zoom into his hands while he is pulling back on the string bar. I think it looks alright,I just wanted to shoe the speed of how fast he was going. I think if I asked him to pull back to a certain point,instead of all the way back it would have been a better shot. He would pull back and then he be out of shot for a second and then back to push in. I should have said at the time,but I should have said,but I didn't. In the end just filmed from a different perspective where you couldn't get the other rowing machines in the way.
After the day had finished, I was like oh my god that was brilliant,I loved it. I just wanted to go back because I really enjoyed it, it was fantastic. I felt pleased and more confident with my self that I did all the filming on my own,I went up to people to ask them if I could interview them on my own,I got my cutaways,I started a conversation with people,it flowed really well and I got my shots that I wanted all on my own and I entered a production day that I fully enjoyed,I want to go back because it was so good.
I was filming inside the gym-I told people about my project- what I'm doing and I asked them would it be ok if I could film them on the equipment and they said yea it was fine. I got a lot of different shots/cutaways with the members on the equipment and inside the gym in general. I just need to edit and put ,y footage together. Inside the gym I was talking very technical to Tom and the the gym members with what camera shots I wanted to get.I did explain to them what I meant as their faces were a bit what you on about.
I interviewed the fitness manager-(I got cutaways of Tom in his work area)
Once I finished the interview with Tom I said to him can I get some cutaways of him. His face was like what , but he laughed I explained what I meant- he was like really you got do that and he started laughing. I got some good cutaways of him in his work area and there was this other guy in his office. I was talking to him and he asked me what my project was about. He seemed to like my idea and we were all having a laugh which was good. After - The battery was flashing after a long time,I said to Tom I need to get some cutaways of you before the battery dies because it's going to be dying out on me shortly, I was like oh great .I know I should have took the charger with me because then I could have charged in up for a little bit.I 've realized that I should have packed it which I thought I did, but obviously I didn't.
I interviewed different age groups of people who were inside the gym. At first with approaching people inside the gym to interview them;I was a bit like nervous because I didn't know how they would react with me coming up to them. Some people could have been a bit funny with me asking them if I can interview them for my documentary. Once I did the first approach and the interview; I felt really confident with approaching people in the gym and doing the interview.Whereas before I was like oh my god, but I knew I had to just do it and I was like it's going be fine which it was. Everyone I asked seemed to be fine with me interviewing them and just asking them a few questions about their fitness and why they come to Holbrook leisure Center.The people I spoke to interview them were really nice and friendly. I would have a general chat with them after the interview,it was nice. I feel a lot more confident now interviewing people. before I was a bit wary what if the questions don't sound right or they don't know what I mean.It was fine though they said their good general questions. I had quite a few interviews at the gym. I had an interview with Tom the fitness manager and that went really well.I showed him the questions beforehand, so he felt more at ease when I ask him the questions.
Inside the gym I would just go up to people and I would just start a conversation with them.I thought to be friendly and make a conversation. I would just have a chat to them just in general and the conversations would go on for bit which was great .I told them what I was doing and they seemed interested. I didn't think any of them would speak to me, but they did. It was nice talking to different people and they all seemed nice.I felt more confident and just going around and talking to people, I felt great after all the interviews had filmed. In a way I didn't want it to end because the people I interviewed were great.It was fantastic interviewing them and getting to know them a bit more. I got on well with Tom and we was having a laugh and great conversation.I was talking to a personal trainer as well who was inside the gym,he was really nice we had a good conversation.
Camera Shot's experiments:
When I was filming the lady on the treadmill as the machine was right opposite the window, there was a lot of light coming in and it was hard to get a close up of the machine that way.So I thought to change the other way and get a close up of the other machine where there be no light exposure. I thought it be good to show the buttons of the screens as it tells you hoe you are doing.I got a shot of her on the treadmill but the light was dying down which made it look really dull when I watched her on it. But I can increase the brightness and the contrast in Premiere Pro and hopefully that will work.
Rowing machine
At first I knew how I wanted to camera shot it.But I did find it hard to get my shot because when the guy was on it he would be pulling back and then the camera be in that position and then he'll be out of shot. Then I filmed him from a much wider angle,but then I didn't want to get the other machines in shot. I got my shot in the end as he was on the other rowing machine in the far distance where it's out of shot from the other machine near by. I wanted to get a close up of him pulling back the row strings. It was hard because the camera was behind him, as he pulled back the tripod would move a bit bit. I wanted to get a close up of the bars from a down point shot from his perspective. I got there in the end by lowering the tripod and then I would position the camera to the side of him and I would zoom into his hands while he is pulling back on the string bar. I think it looks alright,I just wanted to shoe the speed of how fast he was going. I think if I asked him to pull back to a certain point,instead of all the way back it would have been a better shot. He would pull back and then he be out of shot for a second and then back to push in. I should have said at the time,but I should have said,but I didn't. In the end just filmed from a different perspective where you couldn't get the other rowing machines in the way.
After the day had finished, I was like oh my god that was brilliant,I loved it. I just wanted to go back because I really enjoyed it, it was fantastic. I felt pleased and more confident with my self that I did all the filming on my own,I went up to people to ask them if I could interview them on my own,I got my cutaways,I started a conversation with people,it flowed really well and I got my shots that I wanted all on my own and I entered a production day that I fully enjoyed,I want to go back because it was so good.
I got home in the evening,I thought to look back at the footage and when I did I had a problem. I watched over my interviews, my camera shots were mid-shot close up that was brill. I pressed the play button and there was no sound at all. I thought the volume might have been low and I turned it up in my icon tray.There was no sound playing at all,I was like shit and I felt so pissed off .I couldn't believe it because I thought it went well,but no sound had picked up.
I was testing the microphone out that evening I got back. I was making sure everything was plugged in properly .I would test the microphone and there be no sound when I recorded my voice. I put my headphones in, there was a fuzzing effect in both headphones.So I knew that the microphone was the problem,it was faulty. If I checked it that morning and then I would have of known the problem there and then.I emailed Tom that evening about what happened and I was hoping to film the following Wednesday. I did check the microphone the night before,but I should have checked the microphone that day to check it was working. I assume it would be fine, but it wasn't. I felt so gutted and so annoyed that night. My own fault I guess,I wished you could rewind time and go back to that amazing day and redo it. I now know to check the microphone and to test it out beforehand. I don't want any problems like that again, that's for sure.
I was testing the microphone out that evening I got back. I was making sure everything was plugged in properly .I would test the microphone and there be no sound when I recorded my voice. I put my headphones in, there was a fuzzing effect in both headphones.So I knew that the microphone was the problem,it was faulty. If I checked it that morning and then I would have of known the problem there and then.I emailed Tom that evening about what happened and I was hoping to film the following Wednesday. I did check the microphone the night before,but I should have checked the microphone that day to check it was working. I assume it would be fine, but it wasn't. I felt so gutted and so annoyed that night. My own fault I guess,I wished you could rewind time and go back to that amazing day and redo it. I now know to check the microphone and to test it out beforehand. I don't want any problems like that again, that's for sure.
29 April 2013
Timeline - Progression of my documentary
In lesson today we created a timeline of how we are going to structure a documentary?
What we did:
We had a massive piece of paper and we drawn a line in the middle of the paper. The next stage is that we were given sticky notes , so we can write down our important key questions on there and other info to help us form our documentary.
We positioned them in order and then we number them 1 -10. We muddled it up to see if our documentary would make sense. It did still make sense because I have the rough questions that I would ask my interviewees and I would know what my documentary is all about and what I want to find out as well.
The time line is a good progression step because we can include what we want in our documentary. I want to ask questions about their fitness,about healthy eating,why they came to Gosport Leisure Center,was there a specific area they wanted to tone /lose weight from,why do you eat junk food compared to a more healthier option, what attracts you to eat junk food then healthy foods and just general questions like that.It made me think of what kinder shots I want to capture,what camera shots I want to get from my questions,voice overs through ought the start and in the middle of documentary.The timeline is a great way to see how you want to structure your documentary by adding bits to it.It can make you think what you may want to include or you may come up with an idea which you have never thought of before.
Personal Thoughts:

I know exactly what I want to include in my documentary
Camera shots - cutaways in the gym
My voice over at the start and in the middle of my documentary.
At the start of my documentary, I want to include open questions to make people intrigued to watch it and to show some quick scenes of what is coming up in my documentary.
It's just the ending of how it's going to finish......
What we did:
We had a massive piece of paper and we drawn a line in the middle of the paper. The next stage is that we were given sticky notes , so we can write down our important key questions on there and other info to help us form our documentary.

The time line is a good progression step because we can include what we want in our documentary. I want to ask questions about their fitness,about healthy eating,why they came to Gosport Leisure Center,was there a specific area they wanted to tone /lose weight from,why do you eat junk food compared to a more healthier option, what attracts you to eat junk food then healthy foods and just general questions like that.It made me think of what kinder shots I want to capture,what camera shots I want to get from my questions,voice overs through ought the start and in the middle of documentary.The timeline is a great way to see how you want to structure your documentary by adding bits to it.It can make you think what you may want to include or you may come up with an idea which you have never thought of before.
Personal Thoughts:

I know exactly what I want to include in my documentary
Camera shots - cutaways in the gym
My voice over at the start and in the middle of my documentary.
At the start of my documentary, I want to include open questions to make people intrigued to watch it and to show some quick scenes of what is coming up in my documentary.
It's just the ending of how it's going to finish......
22 April 2013
Goals -Start of the week - from the 7th May 2013
Chase up my other interviewees -I need to contact Megan and I have contacted the fitness manager again,but I'm just wating to hear back from him.
Add to production diary - I need to add to this - Wednesday 24th April. I have complted this.
I want to get all my interviews interviewed and filmed by the end of the week. This was sort of done, apart from I need to film my interviews at holbrook again, due to a technical problem.
I just need to get some cutaways of Liam,Megan ,Adam and Jason.I'm filming Jason and Liam on Thursday to get some cutaways of them.I will need to chase up Megan to get cutaways and Adam.
I want to put my footage into bins, so it's easier to find the footage - I need to start doing this and putting them into bins
I want to try get a rough edit done of what footage I am going to use and to edit it all up.I will try and get this done by this week.
Unfortunatley I didn't get it done last week due to the animation. I will try to get most of my clips edited into a rough cut.
I need to record my voice overs for my documentary I will do this today at some point.
Add to production diary - I need to add to this - Wednesday 24th April. I have complted this.
I want to get all my interviews interviewed and filmed by the end of the week. This was sort of done, apart from I need to film my interviews at holbrook again, due to a technical problem.
I just need to get some cutaways of Liam,Megan ,Adam and Jason.I'm filming Jason and Liam on Thursday to get some cutaways of them.I will need to chase up Megan to get cutaways and Adam.
I want to put my footage into bins, so it's easier to find the footage - I need to start doing this and putting them into bins
I want to try get a rough edit done of what footage I am going to use and to edit it all up.I will try and get this done by this week.
Unfortunatley I didn't get it done last week due to the animation. I will try to get most of my clips edited into a rough cut.
I need to record my voice overs for my documentary I will do this today at some point.
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